Medical marijuana - Page 2

How to make cannabis creams and ointments with CBD

How to make cannabis creams and ointments with CBD

Cannabis creams and ointments with CBD

The many benefits offered by the cannabinoids such as CBD that are found in cannabis have been the subject of research for years, with numerous studies that directly relate the use of CBD with an improvement in a wide range of diseases or symptoms. Products such as CBD creams and cosmetics are now widely available on the market, and often also include other substances such as rosemary, tea tree or even terpenes (as we will demonstrate).

As we mentioned, it's relatively easy to find this type of cream these days, but we also know that many of you grow for yourselves or have access to CBD-rich cannabis. Therefore, today we're going to explain how to prepare a cream with CBD easily at home, with no more danger or difficulty than cooking any simple recipe! In addition, we will take a look at the main uses for this type of cream, which, as you'll discover, can range from pain management to psoriasis.

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Cannabis and endometriosis

Cannabis and endometriosis
Cannabis can alleviate many of the symptoms of endometriosis

The use of medical cannabis to treat ailments and the symptoms of a large number of diseases is becoming increasingly common, as are the many users who testify to its effectiveness compared to the so-called "synthetic drugs". While sometimes the use pharmaceutical medicines may be essential, we are increasingly more aware of the medicinal properties of cannabinoids and terpenes and how to use them, either to alleviate the symptoms caused by the disease itself, or to mitigate possible adverse effects of medications or treatments.

One condition for which cannabis seems to be of great help is endometriosis, a chronic disease estimated to affect more than 170 million women worldwide, and one that in many cases goes undiagnosed. This past March was the Endometriosis Awareness Month, a global initiative aiming to raise awareness of this problem and encourage governments and organisations to actively fight against this disease.

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Dogs, cats and CBD: Cannabis and pets

Dogs, cats and CBD: Cannabis and pets

As research on the different cannabinoids and terpenes  - and other compounds produced by the cannabis plant - advances, more and more testimonies claim that the efficacy of these substances is beyond doubt. While further research is needed in both humans and animals,  cannabinoids like CBD are being increasingly used to treat diverse symptoms and pains in pets, since many users have realised the great benefits it can provide in some cases.

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How cannabis can help during your period

How cannabis can help during your period

A large proportion of women have several symptoms before and during their period, no matter their age, physical condition or medical record. Furthermore, the days before the start of menstruation are sometimes the hardest for most of them, with a group of symptoms commonly called PMS or premenstrual syndrome. For centuries, medical marijuana has been used across the world for its therapeutic potential, and menstrual cramps are not an exception. In this article we'll focus on how cannabis can help relieve these symptoms, and we'll tell you everything you need to know if you decide to use marijuana to treat them.

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Juanita la Lagrimosa, the origins of CBD

Juanita la Lagrimosa, the origins of CBD

The birth of CBD-rich cannabis strains

Today, one can find a myriad of cannabis genetics with high CBD content on the seed market, with diverse cannabinoid ratios and thus medicinal effects. From 1:1 THC:CBD varieties to those with awesome 1:20 (even higher) ratios, breeders and seed producers have relentlessly bred new CBD strains over the past years. But where do all these new varieties come from?

According to an article published by Soft Secrets, and as our friend Jimi from Reggae Seeds confirms, it all started with the creation of Juanita la Lagrimosa (Reina Madre x NYCD), the flagship strain of this seed company.

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The effects of cannabis on sleep

The effects of cannabis on sleep

Many users ? both medicinal and recreational ? use cannabis right before going to sleep because of the effects on this important phase of our life. While many of them get a more restful sleep, one of the side effects reported by users is not dreaming or, at least, not remembering any dream. But, why does it happen?

Why do we sleep?

Before understanding what are the effects of cannabis on sleep, we should start with the basics?why do we sleep? The research about sleep is still at a very early stage, in fact until recently it was thought to be a passive state of the body. Today, and with all the information that we can get from brain waves, heart beat and blood pressure, breath frequency, hormone segregation and some other biomarkers, is it believed to be as active as the waking stage.

Sleeping properly is essential

Sleeping properly is essential (Photo: Alissa L. Miller)

Sleeping is a regeneration state. In studies of sleep deprivation it has been observed that if we shorten the sleeping hours, then the body will try to catch up on sleep in the next sleeping period. Moreover, if we deprive our sleep of one of its phases, our organism will try to recover this phase in the next sleep. Pushing the limits of sleep deprivation may lead to death.

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Medicinal properties of CBD

Medicinal properties of CBD

What is CBD?

CBD is a cannabinoid present in cannabis plants with a very similar molecular structure to THC but without any kind of psychoactive effect. Indeed, CBD does not cause any effect on the user, no paranoia, euphoria or intoxication, which are usually associated with THC and the recreational use of marijuana.

Cannabidiol (CBD) has several therapeutical properties that we'll present in this post. As mentioned, some of the most interesting aspects of this cannabinoid are its low toxicity and few side effects associated with its use: in the worst case, an over-dose of CBD would simply put you to bed. It has been demonstrated that CBD has low affinity with the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, but it does act on other receptors of the human body like GPR55 or 5-HT1A.

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Benefits of Cannabis for Alzheimer's disease

Benefits of Cannabis for Alzheimer's disease

What is Alzheimer?

Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative pathology that causes progressive and total loss of the cerebral functions in elderly people, especially memory. This disease affects about 30 million people worldwide, a number that will double in the following 20 years due to the aging of the popolation in the industrialized world. Alzheimer affects more women than men, especially because women live longer and this disease development is closely linked with aging.

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Medical marijuana news, December 2015

Medical marijuana news, December 2015

Australia will allow to grow cannabis for medical studies

Australian health minister Sussan Ley announced on October 17th that a new legislation will allow to cultivate marijuana for scientific research and medical trials, thus ending a prohibition coming from 1967.

The three most populated Australian States (Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland) promised to organize studies on the efficiency of cannabis to alleviate terminally ill patients, controlling severe epilepsy in children, as well as for the treatment of side effects of chemotherapy.

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Cannabis against epilepsy

Cannabis against epilepsy

Epilepsy, a neurological disorder that can be very difficult to cure

According to the World Health Organization, epilepsy is a neurological disease which affects around 50 million people worldwide, 30% of which won't find a suitable treatment. We must keep in mind that anyone can be affected by epilepsy at any time.

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How to make a cannabinoid analysis

How to make a cannabinoid analysis

How to make a thin-layer chromatography

Probably, many of you wonder what kind of test is performed to determine if a marijuana strain has significant rates of the main cannabinoids, as well as the method used to know the percentage (more or less accurate, as we will see) of each cannabinoid contained in the tested sample. In this post, we will explain step by step how to do a thin-layer chromatography (TLC), an analysis that will show us the approximate percentages of the main cannabinoids detected in each sample. To do this, we used eight different samples of the marijuana strain Fruity Jack / Jack el Frutero from Philosopher Seeds, with the simple purpose, in this case, to know which of the analyzed phenotypes have high amounts of the cannabinoid CBD.

The medical use of marijuana is constantly gaining ground in the past few years, as well as the interest from breeders and consumers to know the exact amounts of cannabinoids present in their favourite cannabis strains. That’s why expressions such as "thin-layer chromatography" or "gas chromatography" are becoming more and more familiar for the cannabis community. To learn more about these analysis systems, we met with a good friend and collaborator who explained us a system based on the thin-layer chromatography with which we get reliable results quickly and safely for our health.

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Medical marijuana news, June 2015

Medical marijuana news, June 2015

New CNN Weed 3 documentary on medical marijuana

Doctor Sanjay Gupta, responsible for the medical and scientific subjects on american TV channel CNN, published on May 2015 the third episode of his documentary series WEED, which tells a bit more about the beneficial properties of medicinal cannabis.

On this occasion, Dr. Gupta discusses the therapeutical use of marijuana in cases of post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). He visits patients such as veteran Sean Kierman or housewife Amelia Taylor, for whom the treatment with marijuana is much more effective than any other treatment previously prescribed. Dr. Gupta also asks researchers Rick Doblin and Sue Sisley about the scientifical study that they are starting on this subject.

Here you have the full documentary:

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Medical marijuana news, May 2015

Medical marijuana news, May 2015

Marijuana is 114 times less dangerous than alcohol

Recently, in a study published in the Scientific Reports journal (which belongs to Nature), researchers compared the risk of death associated with the use of different psychoactive substances. On the top of this list we find alcohol, followed by heroin, cocaine and tobacco. On the last position we find cannabis , the use of which is - according to this study - 114 times less dangerous than that of alcohol.

The study concludes that "results confirm that the risks associated with cannabis use have been overestimated on the past". On the other hand, it also states that "the risks derived from alcohol use could have been underestimated". (Source: NCBI).

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A Sativex user tells us his experience

A Sativex user tells us his experience
Màxim at Alchimia, where he told us about his experience with Sativex.

Marijuana and Sativex

We have spoken to Màxim, a multiple sclerosis patient who has been using Sativex for more than 6 months to alleviate the pain caused by this disease.

Here you have the interview; we would like to thank Màxim for his cooperation, as everyone who can benefit from his experience using this drug will surely appreciate his testimony.

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Effects of marijuana

Effects of marijuana
Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol

Marijuana, used since ancient times for both its medicinal and spiritual properties, contains several substances called cannabinoids.

The main responsible of the psychoactive effects of cannabis is the cannabinoid called Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC.

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About this Cannabis Blog

This is the official blog of Alchimia Grow Shop. This blog is intended exclusively for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

To buy equipment for growing cannabis at home you can consult our catalogue of cannabis seeds, grow shop and paraphernalia

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